Sunday, December 2, 2007

Did Communism ever exist in the world?

Communism refers to a society where there is no class differentiation between the humans and all are equal. It is an egalitarian society which is based on the principle of - “from everyone according to his abilities and to everyone according to his needs”. Hence, in such a society there will be no need of any government and, thus, as is said,”… the state shall wither away…”

The best example of such a society can be sited by considering the Primitive age when man was a food gatherer and hunter. The resources were in plenty and there was, obviously, no conflicts and no classes in the society. In fact, to use the word ‘society’ for that age would not be appropriate. So, yes Communism did exist during this era.

The present world is very complex with diverse societies, races, communities, beliefs, etc. There is lot of scramble for power and scramble. Many great leaders have tried to establish this idea. But, unfortunately, they could reach only the stage of socialism. Communism, in its pure form, has still remained an illusion for the present world.

Many of you will feel that I am wrong because we have Communism in countries like Russia and China among others. But, friends, if you do a little of home work, you will find that even in these countries we have governments and the power is exercised by the so called elites. So how can a society with power elites and state machinery be an example of Communism?

Even if we go into the history and study what Lenin and Mao Ze Dong have done, we will find that all the great leaders could only succeed in establishing the socialist concept of the Marxist theory. Moreover such implementations have also faced large scale violence by the leaders. Gradually, these preachers of Communism became more of dictators. For example, in USSR, power was always in the hands of few. There was another class comprising of bureaucrats, academicians, doctors, lawyers, etc. Common man was a way lower in status to these people.

Friends, Marx was a great humanitarian, Marxism / Communism is humanistic…... Can we call such societies as called Communistic, where violence, elite class and state machinery have always existed?


Mr. Dorfl said...

Sure, communism in the definition you use, i.e. the utopia of communism, has never existed. Because it's impossible, and can never happen.

"Many great leaders have tried to establish this idea. But, unfortunately, they could reach only the stage of socialism. Communism, in its pure form, has still remained an illusion for the present world."

And will so remain for the simple reason that it's impossible. You may wonder why.

Well. See it like this. The communist ideology desires to introduce a peaceful egalitarian democratic stateless society. It wants to so this by using violence to hand all the power and property to a totalitarians state.

Think about it: How on earth are you going to get peace through violenec? How are you going to get egalitariansim by giving all the power to an elite. How are you going to get democracy through totalitarianism? How are you gonna dissolve the state, by handing it all power and all property?

It just doesn't make any sense.

"Can we call such societies as called Communistic, where violence, elite class and state machinery have always existed? "

It's a matter of taste. You can call them that, because it's as close to communism as you are ever going to come. But you don't HAVE to call them that.

Socialist dictatorships seem to be a good label that most can agree with anyway.

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