Sunday, September 9, 2007

Do we love our India?

We all talk about Indian politics today and point out that it is suffering from:
1. Indiscipline
2. Criminalization
3. Vested Interests
4. Corruption
5. Zero Tolerance
6. …. the list is endless….

But have we ever thought about the root cause?
Let me help you out.

We all know so much, we all are so wise and we all want a change…. but, unfortunately, without any effort. We sit and discuss the effects, but very few of us have the courage to spare their time (that too for our own selves and our better future) to ‘CAST VOTE’. So the manipulative politicians exploit the unaware masses and make it to the chair by hook or by crook. In a way we are actually responsible to help the Undeserved to become the rulers in this Nation. Don't you think so?
Why do we actually hesitate to exercise our power? When we know what is right and what is wrong, why don’t we go and click the right button of voting machine? Voting is the only solution to filter the Indian politics and secure a bright future for our Bharat.

Let us pledge ‘To VOTE’ and initiate an INQUILAAB (change) by sharing this awareness in the other masses also.


അരുണ്‍കുമാര്‍ | Arunkumar said...

supplimenting this may be we should think of a few things. firstly, how the vote of people migrated is carried out and how effective it is? because most of the people who migrate are either highly skilled or semiskilled labourers. secondly, how many right options can we find in the list of candidates these days? thirdly, the most important problem is the awareness of the people. every problem boils down to the eudcational and intellectual issues. i believe that is the grassroot level.

Anonymous said...

too gud bebu!!

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